Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"Wrinkles in spacetime may reveal black holes"

Black holes are dangerous things. They could swallow you up, and spit you out somewhere entirely different, lightyears away from where you started. They have so much gravitational
force, that they even capture light. This creates a huge issue for scientists, because all of
the instruments they use for observing and researching objects in space, rely on light.

So currently, astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute are using "high-energy radiation" which is emitted by the swirling matter falling into them [the black holes]. I think this is really fascinating.

“If material actually falls into a black hole, it gets shredded apart and it heats up,” said Roeland van der Marel, a researcher with the Space Telescope Science Institute. This is why we must be able to detect black holes, so we don't get sucked into one. Another technique that scientists used to identify black holes was to see how other neighboring objects behave towards the force.

Long time ago, Einstein made a theory about black holes. Now scientists are trying to find out whether the effects caused by a black hole match his predictions. I find this very interesting, and I plan on reading on more about black holes, and how to spot them.

I found my article on

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