Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Class Response: Genetics Assessment

For Genetics Assessment, my project is on Therapeutic Cloning, and I have to oppose this operation. I have researched, and found enough information to answer my questions. It was a little difficult finding some information opposing Therapeutic Cloning, because most people are all for it, as it saves lives. But what people don't know, is that the term, "Therapeutic Cloning" was created to confuse the public and present this technology as something beneficial, when in reality, it kill people. How you ask? Well, Stem Cells are needed for this type of cloning. Embryonic Stem Cells. And these come from embryos, which are basically babies, not yet fully developed. Although my position was assigned to me, I very much agree, and oppose any type of cloning.

So far, Genetics Assessment has been pretty easy, and I have been managing my time wisely. For my presentation, I am planning to do a slide show, which I have already begun working on. Genetics Assessment is for showing how much you understand the subject, Genetics. I understand it well, after all those projects and worksheets. Genetics is a very extraordinary part of science.

I found some of my facts at []

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