Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Class Response: Super Hero Project

The superhero project was very fun. It really got me into Genetics. Also, it helped me understand the subject better. For example, I finally understood the point of a Punnett Square. A Punnett Square is a chart which shows or predicts all possible gene combinations in a cross of parents, whose allele combinations are known. Using a Punnett Square, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. On one website [http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/7th/genetics/sciber/punnett.htm]
I found out that Punnett Squares are named after an English geneticist, Reginald Punnett. Now, for the superhero project, we used these to figure out the traits of the offspring of two random superheroes, of our choice. I had Toad and Silver Fox, who were two villians. Their offsrping barely inherited any of their traits. The offspring only got 3 superpowers, out of like 10. This helped me realize that heredity is almost random, in an organized way. Its like the traits are picked out of a hat, but they are done in a very organized manner. Like when scientist were trying to prove their theory(s) about heredity, they used these Punnett Squares, and other charts. Also, I understood about DNA, and RNA. In addition, I learned about dominant and recessive alleles, and how they affect every persons traits. I think Genetics is a very important part of science, and now I understand it much better.

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