Monday, February 26, 2007

"Marine life grows where Antarctic ice collapsed"

Antarctica, our southern-most continent, has been covered in ice for hundreds of years. And because of this, its marine life has remained a mystery. But then several years ago, when the ice shelves began collapsing, scientists decided it was time to research the marine life of Antarctica. The location of theses ice shelves was near the Antarctic Peninsula, which was an area warming faster than any other. Many scientists and researchers believe that this meltdown somehow has to do with human-produced carbon emissions.

I feel this is a great opportunity for researchers and scientist to finally find out what kind of animal life lives in the great depths of the ocean under the ice. I sure would like to know. What kinds of animals live under the ice? How do they survive the cold waters? I bet the scientists have just as many questions as me. I'm sure they'll have most of their questions answered, and their fasination with this subject will surely be shown.

I found my information at

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