Thursday, June 7, 2007

Class Response: Wikis and Earthquakes

In class, we've been learning about earthquakes, and why and how they occur. I find this subject very interesting. Earthquakes occur when the tectonic plates rub together, and the movement forces waves of energy to come to the earth's surface, causing the earthquake. Long ago, earthquakes were undefined, and unexpected. No one could tell the difference between 2 earthquakes, because they did the same exact thing. But the the seismograph was invented, still making earthquakes unexpected, but it created a seismogram, which is a picture of the motion of the earthquake, for future records. This helps scientists figure out the where the earthquake began, and what direction its moving in. Earthquakes are tragic happenings, and can cause serious injuries, and even death. They can cause building to fall and freeways and roads to fall or cave in. In addition, in class we are also learning how to post up wikis, and I find it fascinating. For future partner projects, a wiki is something I definitely plan on using. All in all, what I've been learning in class is really interesting.

I got my information and facts in school, in class.

1 comment:

guitargirl said...

I tagged you! my


cyaa 2maro =]